Lancashire Methodist District

The Methodist ChurchApril 2023
North West & Mann Learning Network Region
The Methodist Church

Contents of the April newsletter

Contents: Click to go straight there (see colour coding at the bottom of the box!)

Care and Learn: Learn and Care:  EDI module

April events.


Theology Book Club

Creating church and community amongst families with additional needs

The joy of working with the Under 5's

All Inclusive (Inclusive Worship with a focus on people with autism)

May events and beyond

The last taboo:  talking about dying

Everyone an Evangelist

Curious about Leadership

Every church a growing church

Asian Theologians International Conference


Contact details for the team  

CYF Faith Development Lay workers Wellbeing Pioneering/Faith sharing Contextual Ministry

Care and Learn: Learn and Care

It is my privilege and passion to engage with the wide and diverse range of wonderful people that make Methodism happen to begin or continue their formation enabling them to bring their best skills and characteristics to serve God’s mission in the world.   


Learning and caring is part of our calling.  They come together beautifully through the strategy for Justice, Dignity and Solidarity.  The strategy asks our busiest and most active people to engage in 3 ways but particularly through the completion of the EDI module.  Without involving those lovely people who make Methodism happen, the culture change we want to see will be slow or non-existent and justice, dignity and solidarity for all will remain an aspiration rather than a reality.


To make the EDI module as accessible as possible to our busiest people it is designed as an online self-study module.  This might sound onerous but it really isn’t.  It means you can slot it in around your schedule when it suits you the best.  It doesn’t have to be completed all at once and you can go at your own pace.  You can do it 20 minutes a day, for example, or in one sitting.  If you start it but are interrupted you can pause and return later that day, week or month depending on what is going on.  I believe it really honours your time and focus within the many demands of your role.  

Accessing the module on MCBX is not difficult and there is a video here to show you how to do it (instructions from 1 minute into the video).  If it remains tricky, any member of the regional Learning Network team can help you with advice over the phone or on zoom.  Just ask.  Finally, please note that the videos need to run to the end in order to move to the next stage of the module.  

As Methodists we can be proud that we are challenging ourselves to love all better, accepting we are not yet there and there is pain for those experiencing marginalisation.   


Alison Ball


What’s happening at this year’s Recharge events?

Becky Hall has recorded some input for us, on being Enough, doing Enough and having Enough (as opposed to too much or not enough). After we’ve listened to that, lay employees can choose how to follow up. Maybe you’ll want to reflect on how you resource yourself? Perhaps you’ll join a group discussion on how to be church in a time of climate crisis because some of us have taken too much? These and other options will be explained on the day so you can respond in the way that’s right for you on the morning. Any questions in advance, do email Kristie.

And if you’ve not booked yet, do so straight away – Bookings close 5th April so the welcome packs can be sent out. Bookings are here:

  • Book here for the 18th, Chester & Stoke-on-Trent and Liverpool Districts
  • Book here for the 24th, Manchester & Stockport, Bolton & Rochdale, and Isle of Man Districts
  • Book here for the 26th, Cumbria and Lancashire Districts

Theology Book Club

The Atonement Debate:  Wednesday, 19th April 2023 at 19.00-20.30 hrs

Our next Theology Book Club, facilitated by Simon Sutcliffe, will be exploring the book “The Atonement Debate” edited by Derek Tidball, David Hilborn & Justin Thacker.

The book is a published set of papers from a symposium held jointly by the Evangelical Alliance and the London School of Theology after Steve Chalke controversially denounced the idea that God was punishing Christ in our place on the cross. What does it mean to say that “Jesus saves us?” How does the cross save us from our sins? What does this mean for our faith? Come and join in the conversation.

Further information from Simon Sutcliffe

You can register for both dates here


The Last Taboo:  Talking about Dying

In person at Bamber Bridge Methodist Church

3rd May 2023, 13.30-16.30 hrs

Methodist Homes (MHA) and the Learning Network present a free workshop with the aim of increasing confidence in talking about death and dying. This is open to all. It is ideal for those involved in pastoral ministry, pastoral visiting, local preachers and worship leaders, or anyone who wants to build confidence in this area in a safe, non-judgemental environment.

Themes covered include:

  • why we don’t talk about dying and why we should.
  • how we find meaning and purpose at the end of life.
  • listening and communication.
  • what we could do differently when we talk about dying

Book here

Further information from Kristie Eve

Evangelism so frequently appears on church and circuit mission plans, but often people aren’t sure where to start or how to get going. Here’s how we hope we can help: ‘Everyone an Evangelist’ is a course to encourage us as individuals and churches in authentic, confident faith sharing. It involves three Gathering sessions over Zoom and a chance to put learning into action. Join us on this adventure, and step boldly into what it means to be a faith-sharer.

Simon and Mel are offering this course for up to 5 CLTs or local churches (approx. 4-5 people) from across the Region. For more details, or to have an initial conversation to see if this would be a good course for your church or circuit, please contact Simon  or Mel


Gathering 1: Thursday 4th May

Gathering 2: Thursday 18th May

Practical evangelism project over 6 weeks in CLT/local church groups.

Gathering 3: Thursday 6th July

Curious about leadership

On May 11th, there will be leadership learning day for anyone who is curious to know a bit more about leadership in the Church and reflect with others. The event will be held onsite at Cliff College (£30 including lunch and refreshments) but you can join by zoom and engage with others online in breakout groups following the keynotes and panels (£15).

We hope that you will attend and encourage others in your staff teams, church, circuit and district leadership teams to engage and use the input to stimulate ongoing conversations.

All our speakers are working in a Methodist context and are lay and ordained practitioners from across the connexion.

If you are travelling a distance and wish to stay at Cliff College the night before there is an option to book accommodation on the same Eventbrite page.

Book here

Any questions please don't hesitate to contact either Christine Dutton  or Nigel Pimlott.

Public God Talk: Asian Perspectives

The Asian Theologians International Conference

Saturday 3rd June 2023

At the Mayflower Methodist Church, Leicester

The keynote speaker is Professor Sarojini Nadar.  Prof Sarojini Nadar is an internationally acclaimed scholar and holds the Desmond Tutu Chair of Religion and Social Justice at the University of Western Cape, South Africa.

Open to all, lay or ordained, interested in looking at the bible and theology from Asian perspectives.

Organised by the Learning Network, supported by MWiB

Book here

Further information is available from Revd Dr Jasmine Devadason

The contact details of the team can be found here on our Learning Network web page (you will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page!)