The Lancashire Methodist District of the Methodist Church shares in the calling of the Methodist Church to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Jesus Christ and to live out our discipleship in worship and mission.
World Church Partnerships: Papua New Guinea, Sierra Leone, Uruguay
Afternoon Tea
Join us for a wonderful afternoon tea, with special guest Rev'd Garo Kilagi, Moderator of the United Church Papua New Guinea
Friday 5th July 2024
4.00 - 5.30p.m.
at Trinity Methodist Church, Clitheroe
Methodist Conference Report from Monday 26th June 2023
Yesterday was an historic
day for the Lancashire Methodist District, alongside Cumbria, Liverpool and
Bolton & Rochdale Districts (and hopefully Manchester & Stockport
District, too, if they wish), as approval was given by the Methodist Conference
meeting in Birmingham, to the creation of a North West England District from
1st September 2024.
Thank you for all your prayers, engagement and encouragement upon this journey
- there will be much to share and pray through in the coming months.
Here are photos from the first full day of Conference business:
- our Lancashire District table in the hall
- 'barrier buster' activity, exploring how we help break down barriers for the unaffiliated / unchurched to take steps closer to
engaging with all God is and has for them
- our own Alison Ransome co-leading an excellent Bible Study in the morning
(just before our NWE District proposal was
- the opportunity I had to engage a little in the debate about the NWE District
proposal, before Conference approved its
- two representatives from Action for Children who gave a powerful presentation
of their work
- we shared a District meal together in the evening, catching up with one
another as District reps to Conference, alongside our
newly ordained presbyter,
Rev'd Sarah
- I shared some time with guests from the Solomon Islands, who have close ties
with Wendy and Tim Bridgeman from our
Clitheroe Circuit (Tim and Wendy taught
Brian, pictured here with his wife, when they were teachers at the college in
Solomon Islands)
A very full and historic day in the life of our Church, District and Region
Orthodox Church
For those who may know of Ukranian Orthodox faithful searching for an Orthodox church, there are two churches in Preston - Greek and Romanian - and several in Manchester.
Here are two flyers one in Ukranian and one in English with more details.
There is also an Orthodox Church of the Holy Apostles which in about 2007 bought the former Leyland Lane Methodist Church in Leyland. Though its services are mainly in English it may be of help to Ukrainians who have some command of English and be geographically nearer to those who are temporarily living within our circuit boundaries.
Interfaith YouTube Page
The Interfaith group now have a YouTube page and we invite you to visit our page. We also have a Facebook page which we encourage you to visit.
Please click Here to see our latest video on the Hindu Festival of Navratri.
Weekly Meditation
Meditation may deepen one's experience of the presence of God, enhance self-awareness, and reduce stress and anxiety, valuable during this time of isolation.
Join a half-hour Zoom ‘guided meditation’ session, led by Peter Lumsden (local preacher in the Clitheroe circuit), every Monday evening at 7 p.m.
The sessions follow a pattern of 15 mins of spiritual reflection, combined with a focus on breathing, leading into a period of about 15 mins of silence.
Contact Peter Lumsden:
For a full description, and to visit visit the Weekly Meditations, page click Here
Transforming Lives and Communities (TLC)
Transforming means to be changed from one thing to another. A policy document is not meant to be set in stone and fixed. This is especially true if the title is “Transforming Lives and Communities.”
The purpose of this revision is to equip the Lancashire Methodist District to prepare for the 2020’s, building on the past yet seeking to be changed as we approach the next decade.
Click Here to read more
Click Here to download full document
Events around the District
We would like to remind you that we have a page dedicated to events taking place in the District.
If you would like to learn more click Here to visit our Events Page
Natasha's Law
The Food Information (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2019 (known as “Natasha's Law”) came into effect from 1 October 2021 in England and Wales.
Natasha’s Law is named in memory of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse who died in July 2016 following an allergic reaction to a prepacked sandwich bought from Pret-A-Manger. This law makes provision to ensure all food businesses provide full ingredient lists and allergen labelling on foods that are pre-packed for sale on their premises. These types of packaged foods were not caught by the pre-existing legislation.
Click Here to read more
Click Here to visit Methodist Church Website