Lancashire Methodist District

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Contents of the November newsletter

Learning and Development Priorities 2022-3

November events:

8th:  Being a Supervisee - Getting the most from your supervision sessions

11th:  The Gathering

16th:  Scripture, Spirituality and Conflict

19th:  Treasures of Darkness

12th:  Prof Robin Baker:  A biblical study day

23rd:  Lay leaders community of practice

December and beyond:

Positive Working Together courses

Learning and Development Priorities 2022-3

Each region convenes a Learning and Development forum.  It meets 3 times a year and sets priorites for Learning and Development in the region.  The Learning Network has the privilege of enacting some of those shared priorities.  For 2022-3 are captured in the image above.

A number of events in November are part of the priority 'Growing Faith Confidence'.  Always active faith, it is good to provide the opportunity to focus on Spirituality through the Treasures of Darkness retreat facilitated by our team member, Edel.  

Our strategy to support Biblical Literacy development identifies three levels of engagement.  For beginners, Manna and Mercy is a great course for getting to grips with the bible as a whole and its key themes.  Bible month has something for everyone but is often aimed at Local Preachers.  This month, Professor Baker is facilitating an in-depth exploration of the influence of Mesopotamian Civilizations on the origins of the New Testament which sounds fascinating.  It will be livestreamed to Walkden church providing the opportunity for safe, in person engagement with the lecture.  If you would like to know more about the Biblical literacy events contact Jasmine.

Each District has a member of the Learning Network aligned to them and they are the first port of call for enquiries about Learning and Development.  They are:

Cumbria - Brec Seaton, Manchester and Stockport - Jasmine Devadason, Liverpool - Mel Clarke, Isle of Man - Alison Hulse, Chester and Stoke-on-Trent - Simon Sutcliffe, Bolton and Rochdale - Edel McClean, Lancashire - Kristie Eve.

The priorities are set by a relatively small number of people, who do their best to represent the needs in their differing contexts.  Our challenge is to hear from those who don't already have a voice at the table and who find themselves inadvertantly disenfranchised from the process or the Learning offered.  We would love to hear those people's views on the Learning and Development needs that they see.  If that is you we would love to hear from you.  If you are reading this and could pass it on to those who have a view to share please do and invite them to make contact with me, the Coordinator.

Our role is to equip circuits to be places of lifelong learning and fulfil their Calling the respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ.  

Alison Ball, Coordinator

Being a Supervisee:  Getting the most from Supervision

When you begin Supervision for the first time it can be a little bit disorientating.  You might not have a clear view of what it is, its aims, what to bring or how it will take place.  If you are full of questions either as a complete beginner or as someone who has been in supervision for a while but want to get more from it this online course might be just right  for you.

Being a Supervisee Part 2: Getting the most out of your Supervision Sessions

Tuesday 8th November 1400-1700 hrs

The half day online event looks at the aims and structure of Methodist Supervision, suitable topics for supervision and techniques to help when your mind draws a blank.  We will explore the 'why' and the 'how' of creative methods.  The 3 hours include input, observation and practise.

For more information contact Alison

The Gathering - A learning community for children, youth and family workers in the Methodist Context

Join us on Friday 11th November from 12.30-2.30 on Zoom.

The Gathering provides a space to connect, to be inspired and to grow as we learn and develop together across the North West and Mann Region

Come along to:

  • share stories of what is happening in our local contexts;
  • discover the plan for our new learning community of children/youth/family workers in the North West;
  • hear from some incredible guest speakers;
  • be supported, encouraged and challenged in your ministry.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Book a place here`

Further information from Mel

Positive Working Together courses:

Scripture, Spirituality and Conflict:  To deepen our understanding of the wisdom and impact of scripture in managing change and transforming conflict. – online, 0930-1600 hrsThursday 16th November 2022

Growing through Change and Conflict,this course offers support and training to Church Leaders, lay and ordained, as they recognise and respond to conflict. – online, 0930-1600 hrs, Thursday 19th January 2023

Bullying and Harrassment: Understanding the dynamics of Bullying and Harassment and explore ways to respond – online, Wednesday and Thursday 8th and 9th February 2023, 09.30-13.00 hrs  

For all courses book here

For further information contact Brec

Treasures of Darkness (Isaiah 45 v 3)


From the Community of Spiritual Formation

 Saturday 19th November, 09.30-17.15 an online retreat day with Edel McClean.

'As we enter into the Advent season, we are aware of the darkness that exists in the world around us – the cost-of-living crisis, environmental catastrophe, the war in Ukraine, and wars and hunger across our planet. As we wait for the light, how do we also pay attention to the treasures hidden in the struggles and challenges of the world? We will spend the day listening to the truths of our own lives, and of the world, and use Ignatian meditation to connect to how God is present with us, even in the waiting of Advent.'

*This is not a LN event and invites a voluntary contribution.

To find out more about the Community for Spiritual Formation please visit:

To register email here by 4th November

A day for Local Preachers, Worship Leaders, Ministers and all interested in growing their understanding and application of the bible.  

If you have missed meeting together, we are gathering at Walkden Methodist Church to engage in a live streaming of the day.  If not, you can livestream it into your home or local church.  

Saturday 12th November, 10-13.15 hrs.

This link allows you to:

Register your place for livestreaming

Or attend in person at Walkden Methodist Church

Or register to host a hub locally

If you would like to host this for others here is a guide for hosts.

Lay Leaders Community of Practice

For Lay leaders in the North West and Mann Region

23rd November 1-3.30 pm online

An opportunity for those in lay leader roles (whether or not you are an authorised Local Lay-Pastor) to network with others in similar roles and to be resourced.

Book a place here

For further information contact Kristie

The contact details of the team can be found here on our Learning Network web page (you will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page!)