Lancashire Methodist District

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Contents of the October newsletter

Travelling together in October

Who we are and what we do

Dates in October:

6th:  All Inclusive

8th:  Leading worship on things that matter

11th, 17th, 18th:  Warm Spaces:  Local

11th:  Leadership Book Club

13th:  Online coffee sessions for lay workers

14th:  Campfire

17th, 20th:  Being a Supervisee

November events:

Positive Working Together courses

Mental Health First Aid Training (book first by mid-October)

Travelling together in October

Emerging from the busy synod season, we meet with the North West and Mann Learning  & Development forum in early October.  The forum will look at the priorities for the region for the coming year.  One priority is supporting Circuits and Churches to Do Church Differently.  I wonder how you react to that - especially if you deeply value all you have by being part of a caring church community.  But to continue our faithful witness to God's love in Christ there is a challenge to remove cultural and institutional barriers to the wider community for whom the way we do church now might seem unfamiliar and strange.  The October programme offers three particular events for this:


The Warm Spaces: Local is for UK based circuits in the NWM to explore how to respond to the tragic challenges of the energy crisis and show God's love in a deeply practical way.  3 dates are on offer. 


The Campfire resumes soon and provides an online space for all those exploring different ways of being a faith community, to meet, make connections and share stories.


The Leadership Book Club picks up again.  Leading in times of change can throw up conflict and stress.  Here is a space for all those involved in leading to dip into our latest book (How to lead when you don't know where you are going)  to prompt our conversation together.


We continue to seek to serve and equip circuits, churches, projects and people to fulfil their calling and respond to God's love in Christ.  Please help us by sharing what is relevent in your own communications and encouraging others to sign up to the newsletter by contacting Rob.

Who we are and what we do!

Introducing an e-booklet that shares some of the Online Courses offered in 2022-3 by the Learning Network. Designed to be used electronically the links take you to the latest information about each course including dates and how to book.

Click on this link to access the e-booklet.

To learn more about the team and their different areas of expertise here is a powerpoint presentation to view.

Please note that Kristie's email has changed to this.

Please note that Alison Ball's temporary phone number is here.

Bookings via eventbrite:

11th October

17th October

18th October

A place for leaders to reflect and share

The Leadership Book Club resumes on Tuesday 11th October, online, 1930-2100 hrs.

Read some or all of 'How to Lead when you don't know where you are going:  Leading in a Liminal Season' by Susan Beaumont ahead of the session.

Meet with other lay or ordained members of leadership teams in the Methodist Church.  A relaxed meeting, we select sections of the book to prompt our discussion and sharing.  We will focus on practical applications in our real context and mutual support as we seek to lead well.

To book a place click here

For further information contact Alison

Campfire Returns:

Campfire returns on Friday 14th October 7.45-9pm on Zoom.

Campfire is a place, for all those exploring different ways of being a faith community, to meet, make connections and share stories.

We will be sending a campfire treat to all those booking by Monday 10th October so do let us know of you are coming.

To book click here

Leading Worship on Things that Matter:  What were they arguing about along the way?

Saturday October 8th, 10-15.15 hrs.The day will be led in person at Prescott and Whiston Methodist Church, L34 5QN and on zoom.

The day will equip preachers and worship leaders to lead worship around conflict and resolution.  The aims of the day are to explore worship leading and preaching through the lens of conflict:

  • To equip people to preach and lead worship around conflict and resolution
  • To not to be afraid to address conflict in worship
  • To embrace difference in a manner that means we can peaceful progress
  • To consider how to engage in worship when you disagree

We will be joined by Carolyn Merry, Director of Place for Hope. The day will offer insights into the opportunities presented by conflict and tension, as well as its more challenging aspects. Alongside a key note speech given by Carolyn Merry, there will be discussion, activities, a choice of workshops and worship.

Booking link

Further information from Brec Seaton

All Inclusive?

'All Inclusive?' is a series of five essential seminars for church leaders, youth and children’s leaders, parents, teachers, and anyone who cares about children and young people with additional needs or disabilities.  Each session is 7.30 pm online and costs between £7.50-10.00.  They are offered by partners Urban Saints.  Click on the links to go to bookings.

  • Making sense of our senses - Exploring eight of our senses and sensory additional needs and disabilities including Sensory Processing Disorder. 06/10/2022

  • Disability equality - Understanding the Equality Act and how it applies to all children’s and youth work. 13/10/2022

For further information contact Geoff Bond

Online Coffee Sessions for lay workers

Thursday October 13th – Admins/comms coffee 1100 hrs

A light touch informal conversation via zoom that offers the opportunity to share and learn according to the needs that emerge.  Alternating for lay employees in general and those working in administration and/or communication.

For the zoom link contact Kristie

Equipping Supervisees for Supervision

When you begin Supervision for the first time it can be a little bit disorientating.  You might not have a clear view of what it is, its aims, what to bring and how it will take place.  If you are full of questions either as a complete beginner or as someone who has been in supervision for a while but want to get more from it one of these online courses will be just right  for you.

Being a Supervisee Part 1:  Essential Skills for New Supervisees

 Monday 17th October 1400-1700 hrs

Being a Supervisee Part 2: Getting the most out of your Supervision Sessions

20th October 0930-12.30 or Tuesday 8th November 1400-1700 hrs

For more information on Part 1 contact Kristie and on Part 2 contact Alison

Positive Working Together courses:

Scripture, Spirituality and Conflict:  To deepen our understanding of the wisdom and impact of scripture in managing change and transforming conflict. – online, 0930-1600 hrsThursday 16th November 2022

Growing through Change and Conflict,this course offers support and training to Church Leaders, lay and ordained, as they recognise and respond to conflict. – online, 0930-1600 hrs, Thursday 19th January 2023

Bullying and Harrassment: Understanding the dynamics of Bullying and Harassment and explore ways to respond – online, Wednesday and Thursday 8th and 9th February 2023, 09.30-13.00 hrs  

For all courses book here

For further information contact Brec

Mental Health First Aid Training

Online Course delivered over 4 mornings: 8th, 9th, 14th and 17th of November, 0900-1300 hrs

Bookings close 2 weeks before the start of each course

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognised training course which teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis.

What does it cost? Usually costing £325, the Methodist Church are subsidising the price to £50 (non refundable).

If you can't make these dates, the course is repeated in February/March 2023

For more information on the course visit MHFA England

For more information on the event in November, contact Brec



Recharge:  Lay Employee online events

The contact details of the team can be found here on our Learning Network web page (you will need to scroll down to the bottom of the page!)